Strawberry Banana Oatmeal

Strawberry Banana Oatmeal drizzled with Honey

Mmm Mmm Good!

I ♥ when fresh berries are in season! I try to incorporate them into meal time as often as possible. Most folks do this at breakfast but we’re not breakfast people around here. Correction, I’M not a breakfast person. Correction again, I’m not a breakfast ‘morning‘ person. Haha, at least I own it, right?  🙂SAM_0433

Since I’m not a morning breakfast person (coffee, YES please!) I enjoy making sweet but healthy breakfast dishes that ‘fill us up’ without ‘filling us up’ for dinner.

(Catch what I did there? 😉 )

I think oatmeal works exceptionally well, all n all, as it is a perfectly delicious base helping to display your summertime sweet rewards front and center; it’s hearty, healthy and it is a snap to prepare in 10 minuets (or less)!

I used four ingredients:

  • Oatmeal (I used Quaker Quick Oats)
  • 1 thin sliced banana
  • 4-5 strawberries, sliced
  • Honey

Add sliced berries to the center of the oatmeal mound, layering banana slices around outer edge. Next, drizzle honey over all for a light sweet addition to the oats. Definitely a meal deal on evenings when its still topping at a whopping 108 outside!SAM_0437

Whew, help me I’m melting! 🙂

Breakfast can be made as decadent or as savory as you desire. Simply depends on how much time you want to spend in the kitchen. Me, on nights like tonight – Um, no, not so much… Even with air conditioning, once the heat zaps you – you’re just simply zapped. So this chic is gonna re-hydrate, replenish and relax with hubs! ♥



Dinner has been served! 




We also included a couple slices of buttered toast along side our bowl of goodness. Add pecans, cranberries, blueberries, bacon 🙂 ~ whatever your hunger craves.

What is your favorite breakfast meal to make for dinner?

Til Next Time ~

Domesticate Rebellion

THRIVING ~ Have you witnessed the testimonies? It’s not about weight loss; it IS about feeling better from the inside out! If interested I would love to help you! Knowledge is Power! Sign-up for a FREE account & information at

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Cinnamon Rolls

Cinnamon Rolls ~ Old School Recipe

A single place where good & gooey and sweet & sugary combine together with unforgettable buttery flavor.36254916_10211428705136646_4452179037657235456_n

Impressingly it was pure nostalgia coming from my oven the afternoon I decided to try these on for size. A whiff of reminiscences crepted thru my kitchen to fill every room in the house. Provoking memories of yester-year while inticing current hunger… and, instead of satisfying that hunger with something resembling lunch ~ I waited.  I waited for these beauties to be done. Correction: WE waited.

Um… Dare I testify: don’t do that!” For Realz! This is NOT one of those “do as I do” moments. Otherwise you will accidentally eat them all like we did! (well, almost all) #sugarrush

I’m not sure “how old” equals “old school” either but if you are, let’s say, 30 years or older then you might recall when fresh hand-made cinnamon rolls were actually rolled out by your cafeteria ladies. SAM_0049

They were one of the best things about school.

Of course, this was wwwwaaaayyyyy before we cared about the calorie intake of our student body. When pizza was tasty, sloppy joes were greasy and whole milk was available in white and chocolate! Before the public school lunches were hijacked.

Oh, how I recall wheeling & dealing for any extra cinnamon rolls too. I’d wipe tables, put up trays, stack chairs. #MmmMmmSoGood

My fave way to eat them was to unwind each roll so I could enjoy the soft tender dough, layer by layer. Occasionally, anticipation or lack of remaining lunch time would force me to simply sink deep into the center, combining all of those layers into a single sticky mouthful! Either way, I always tasted the sugary glaze first, followed by nuttiness of pecans ~ a slight sweetness from the dough ~ ending with a buttery, sugary, cinnamonSAM_0051

burst bouncing over my taste buds beginning at the tip of my tongue with each bite.

In my opinion, even the cinnamon rolls sold at the State Fair are not as good as the ones from school ‘back in the day.

So if you’re ready for your taste buds to take a trip down memory lane (or simply want a bomb ass cinnamon roll, head to the pantry with this recipe in hand:


Dough Ingredients:

  • 2 pkgs. yeast
  • 2 cups warm milk
  • 1/4 cup plus 1 tbsp brown sugar
  • 1 tsp salt (omit if you use salted butter)
  • 2 tbsp softened butter
  • 5 cups all-purpose flour (for softer dough add 1 egg & increase butter to 1/4 cup)


  • 3/4 lb butter
  • 1 1/3 cups sugar
  • 1 1/2 cups brown sugar
  • 3 tbsp cinnamon


  • 2 1/4 cups confectioners sugar
  • 1/2 cup warm water
  • 1 tsp vanilla


Dissolve yeast in milk. Add sugar, salt & butter. Mix Well. Add flour gradually mixing well after each addition. Knead and let rise until double in bulk. Heavily butter two 9×13 pans. Lightly oil board (or flour counter) and roll out dough into a 1/4 inch thick rectangle. Spread filling evenly over dough. Roll up tightly, sealing edges. Let rise until double.

Bake in a preheated 350 degree oven for 25 minutes.

Glaze as soon as they come out of the oven.


I have to credit my cousin for sharing this recipe (Thanks Cuzz!) &

Note: I only baked 1/2 of a batch tossing the other 1/2 in the freezer without adding the filling & before the second rise.

The dough freezes well for future cinnamon roll treats! #thereisyourtwofer

Do you have a favorite from past school days? Yeast Rolls were my #2!


Til Next Time ~

Domesticated Rebellion

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Gooey Cheesesteak Sandwiches


While I’ve never been to Philly… I have been to Arby’s… HahahaHuH?

Say What?

Follow me for a second while I connect the dots. I’m writing about whats near and dear to my heart. Bad for you in a good way.  You know it.. None other than the beloved cheesy greasy meaty mouthful sandwich commonly referred to as a Cheesesteak!

See, while cruising along the recent pins of Pinterest (♥) I was directed to The Little Kitchen and this inspirational cheesesteak gem!


This caused me to kinda do a ‘bad’Michael Jackson moon walk around my tiny kitchen island while holding up my kindle fire… Yup…. that was me. I’m not ashamed.     

Cheesesteaks was written by Julie Deily who provides two varieties. One with peppers. One with mushrooms. Both with onions. Personally, we prefer the meat mixed with sweet onions and topped with cheese. Peppers, specifically green peppers, have been known to create alottle (a lot/a little) heartburn or gas.

And frankly, heartburn or gas can jack up anything becoming a repeat at my house!

Although the recipe peaks with ribeye, I chose a thinly sliced bottom chuck round & seared the chunks over high heat in my cast iron skillet with butter. I use my cast iron cook set for practically everything from the stove top to the oven, even the grill!  (I♥Mom!)


So, If you follow me then you know I’m all about using what is on hand & not trexing to the store for every single ingredient of a new recipe. Thus bottom chuck round… Trust me, it’s still a keeper! After removing the seared meat repeat the process with the rest of your ingredients. Get real with it!

Sweet onions, mushrooms & peppers. Oh My!

Once cooked, combine everything together in your cast iron skillet and top with provolone keeping low heat until melted.

Note: While you are searing your meat or cooking your mushrooms, onion n pepper toppings, preheat your oven to 300 or so and get your bread ready. Open your hoagie buns and slather your preferred aoli, mayo, cheesewhiz??? Place bread on individual sheets of aluminium foil and when ready, transfer the goods out of the skillet making sure to Smoosh the goods deep into one side of the soft bread before closing.


Seriously, You want this to be FULL of the juicy goodness encased in melted cheese. The next step gives you gooey goodness. 🙂

Tightly wrap each sandwich placing on a sheet pan. Bake these bad boys 20 minutes or so and be prepared to talk out loud as they are DELISH!

MMMmmmMMM #Goodtimes #Goodeats

I’m sorry Arby’s, Really. It’s not you. It’s me. (Until we meet again of course – you know how much I 💖 your curly fries!)

Til Next Time~

Domesticated Rebellion

THRIVING , It’s not about weight loss; it’s about feeling better from the inside out!  I can help!

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