Strawberry Banana Oatmeal

Strawberry Banana Oatmeal drizzled with Honey

Mmm Mmm Good!

I ♥ when fresh berries are in season! I try to incorporate them into meal time as often as possible. Most folks do this at breakfast but we’re not breakfast people around here. Correction, I’M not a breakfast person. Correction again, I’m not a breakfast ‘morning‘ person. Haha, at least I own it, right?  🙂SAM_0433

Since I’m not a morning breakfast person (coffee, YES please!) I enjoy making sweet but healthy breakfast dishes that ‘fill us up’ without ‘filling us up’ for dinner.

(Catch what I did there? 😉 )

I think oatmeal works exceptionally well, all n all, as it is a perfectly delicious base helping to display your summertime sweet rewards front and center; it’s hearty, healthy and it is a snap to prepare in 10 minuets (or less)!

I used four ingredients:

  • Oatmeal (I used Quaker Quick Oats)
  • 1 thin sliced banana
  • 4-5 strawberries, sliced
  • Honey

Add sliced berries to the center of the oatmeal mound, layering banana slices around outer edge. Next, drizzle honey over all for a light sweet addition to the oats. Definitely a meal deal on evenings when its still topping at a whopping 108 outside!SAM_0437

Whew, help me I’m melting! 🙂

Breakfast can be made as decadent or as savory as you desire. Simply depends on how much time you want to spend in the kitchen. Me, on nights like tonight – Um, no, not so much… Even with air conditioning, once the heat zaps you – you’re just simply zapped. So this chic is gonna re-hydrate, replenish and relax with hubs! ♥



Dinner has been served! 




We also included a couple slices of buttered toast along side our bowl of goodness. Add pecans, cranberries, blueberries, bacon 🙂 ~ whatever your hunger craves.

What is your favorite breakfast meal to make for dinner?

Til Next Time ~

Domesticate Rebellion

THRIVING ~ Have you witnessed the testimonies? It’s not about weight loss; it IS about feeling better from the inside out! If interested I would love to help you! Knowledge is Power! Sign-up for a FREE account & information at

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Strawberry Cucumber Salad

Strawberry Cucumber Salad tossed in Honey & White Wine Vinegar

Have you heard? I can grow a badass cucumber! It all started in the compost

…I’m one of those people who will see something in a picture and more often than not, convince myself  “Hey, I can do that!”, and off I set to do ‘whatever‘ without really researching the ‘how to’ behind the project… Sound familiar? Know anyone else like this? Well in this instance, it was composting. I mean seriously, how hard can it be to allow stuff to decompose, Right?  So I built a box out of pallet leftovers setting a drum from an old washing machine in the center to hold my ‘stuff’. cucumbersMaking sure the cover would lock to keep critters out, ensuring airflow ~ I felt good about my recycling endeavor and started filling the drum with kitchen scraps & garden trimmings, turning it daily as I had interpreted from the pic. Payday happened at the beginning of Spring 2018 when my efforts were rewarded with beautiful black rich soil! WHOOT! I was so excited at my success! 🙂 As soon as it was warm enough that black gold was spread over every single raised bed, used in all my pots and even layered in some ground areas. Anticipation grew as I soon started seeing little sprouts everywhere. Yay! I was all happy with myself; maybe I do have a green thumb… HaHaHa, If Only! Ya see, all the sprouts were IDENTICAL. Every pot. Every bed. Every spot I used my black gold had the exact same sprout. 

Each sprout I have since learned was a cucumber plant! (a few were cantaloupes)

Apparently, I need to research more about composting because when I discarded my cucumber vines with some cucumbers last year, the seeds did not decomp as I expected and were dispersed throughout my entire garden this year! SMH! Imagine my surprise when cucumbers started coming up where I had planted corn! And cantaloupe! And tomatoes in my potatoes! WTH? It’s funny now but I’ve had to do some serious searching for cucumber inspired recipes…

Thus, bringing this ingenious lovely into my life! Simple, easy, 4 ingredients! Think of it as ‘Summer in a Side’!SAM_0429


  • 1/2 cup Honey
  • 1/8 – 1/4 cup White Wine Vinegar
  • 1 large Cucumber
  • 1 pint Strawberries

Mix vinegar & honey in a small bowl. I suggest this motto: “Less is Best, Taste as you Go” to ensure the vinegar isn’t overpowering the sweetness I started with 1/8 cup and continued until it fancied my flavor! 😉

Peel and slice your cucumber into rounds

Slice the strawberries after washing and removing stems, adding to bowl of cucumbers. Pour the honey mixture over the fruits, tossing gently to dress each slice. Cover and chill before serving.SAM_0431





Oh, food for thought: to cut small fruits like strawberries, olives, or mushrooms I ♥ this ~ Works Perfectly so hands of grands can assist without concern of cutting themselves!

Surfing through Pinterest as I usually do for inspiration I stumbled across a pin that led me to Karen over at with her re-make from the cookbook Our Sweet Basil Kitchen by Oh Sweet Basil. Both recipe curators use balsamic for this dish. I chose white wine vinegar as it has less bite IMO compared to balsamic versions. But don’t take just my word, you should try all three for yourself!

Til Next Time ~

Domesticate Rebellion

THRIVING ~ Have you witnessed the testimonies? It’s not about weight loss; it IS about feeling better from the inside out! If interested I would love to help you! Knowledge is Power! Sign-up for a FREE account & information at

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